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European database of sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents

The European database of sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents provides public access to the data the European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial consumption (ESVAC) project External link collects on the sales of veterinary antimicrobials in Member States of the European Union and European Economic Area.

The interactive database complements the annual ESVAC report on the sales of veterinary antimicrobials, allowing users to access a summary of the specific ESVAC data they are interested in, including data for a specific country or sales of a particular antimicrobial class.

The European Medicines Agency launched the database in 2015.


How to use the database
Below is a short summary of the data available on this database. Users can access tables and graphs containing the desired data on sales of antimicrobial veterinary medicinal products in European countries by clicking on the links and tabs provided.
Stratification of the data by animal species is currently not available but some indication of the volume of sales of products for use in companion animals and food-producing species (including horses) is provided by considering tablets separately from all other pharmaceutical forms. This partial repartition of data is possible since tablets are almost solely used in companion animals, whilst the remaining forms are mainly used in food-producing animals.

1. Overall sales data
Data on sales of antimicrobial veterinary medicinal products is given in tonnes of active ingredient.
Overall sales data are available for all pharmaceutical forms.

2. Population-corrected sales of products used in food-producing animals
Data on sales of antimicrobial veterinary medicinal products (except tablets) normalised by the Population Correction Unit (PCU) is expressed in mg of active ingredient by PCU (mg/PCU).
This is the preferred format when comparing sales data between different countries and across years since it takes into account differences in the size and structure of the animal population in each European country.
For more details on the PCU click here.

Population-corrected sales of products used in food-producing animals are available stratified by:
Pharmaceutical form
Antimicrobial class
Pharmaceutical form and antimicrobial class - Aggregated sales data
Pharmaceutical form and antimicrobial class – Sales data by country

3. Tablet sales
Overall data on sales of tablets (almost solely used in companion animals) by country and stratified by antimicrobial class is given in tonnes of active ingredient.

For confidentiality reasons, no data are shown by substance.

Please note that data published in the interactive database can contain updates, therefore values presented in the database might differ from those in the printed ESVAC reports.

For the UK, as from 1.1.2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI.

Export sales data
Data from all graphs and tables can be exported or printed by clicking on the menu on the top right.

Latest ESVAC report

Arow  Thirteenth ESVAC report External link